Thinking About Becoming an UBER Driver?
Are you thinking of becoming an UBER Driver, or similar?
Talk to your insurance agent to see how your personal automobile policy will respond in the event of a claim…..
Here’s why:
Traditional personal automobile policy language contains an exclusion for your liability arising out of the ownership or operation of a vehicle while used as a public or livery conveyance. Basically, that means if you use your car as a Taxi, no coverage. The exclusion may apply during all phases of “ride sharing.” This could include when you smart phone app is turned on and you are offering your driving services….when a match for a ride is made….and when ultimately there is a fare paid in the auto.
Ride share companies may not provide complete coverages during all phases of this transaction.
Do your homework…call your insurance agent and ask how your insurance policy would respond today, not after you’ve had a claim.