How To Avoid Spinning Out An Icy Roads
If you reside in an area that has frigid winters, you might run the risk of encountering roads full of ice. Even if you are a skilled driver, it is a great idea to take precautions in order to assist in preventing your vehicle from spinning out on slick roads.
Preparing to Drive on Icy Roads
Winter tires might aid in giving your vehicle extra traction as you drive on ice or snow. Winter tire treads are made to better grip the pavement when accelerating, turning, or stopping.
Driving on Icy Streets
If you come across ice on the streets, travel slowly. Make certain that you keep an abundance of space between your vehicle and the car ahead of you to also assist in giving you more time to stop.
Even the most prepared motorist will discover themselves starting to spin on an ice patch. If your car’s front end starts to slide, don’t attempt to speed up or slam on your brakes. Ease your foot off of the accelerator, and instead, hold your steering wheel until the automobile slows down. If your car’s back end begins to slide, turn the steering wheel within the direction of the slide without having to hit the brake. Though, be careful not to turn your wheel too far, because that might cause the vehicle to spin.
To stop, it is important that you properly use your brakes. If the automobile features anti-lock brakes, apply continuous and firm pressure to your brake pedal. If the car doesn’t feature anti-lock brakes, you typically will have to pump your brake pedal to assist in preventing the wheels from locking.
It is always wise, of course, to avoid traveling in winter conditions wherever possible. If you have to travel in the snow and ice, check the local weather warnings before you leave and keep your radio tuned to the local channel for the most recent traffic alerts. Then, equipped with a few preparedness tips, carefully start your drive.
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Note: This is general in nature and should not be construed as professional insurance advice. You should work with your insurance agent to determine what will work best for your situation.